8 Reasons why you MUST hire an event planner

8 Reasons why you MUST hire an event planner

Looking for the right event planner

When you attend events or occasions, have you ever noticed an individual who seems to be in all places at the same time, always on and off the phone, with a notepad and pen; who seems to be the go-to person/the chief “director” of everything about the event? Well, chances are you saw the event planner and didn’t know it!

Event planners are professionals who are skilled in the coordination and management of all aspects of professional, leisure, entertainment, or recreational events (depending on their area of expertise). Venue selection, Budgeting, event marketing, publicity, vendor coordination, transportation, accommodation, floor management, red carpet, program design, decorations, invites, Stage setup, etc. Are a few of the aspects of an event that an event planner is tasked with managing.

Event planners are usually hired to efficiently coordinate events from top to bottom and it is not uncommon to see them in the course of an event. However, few people prefer to scream, shout at vendors, “tear hair” and “stress up” at their events instead of hiring an event planner to smoothly coordinate their events.

Here are 8 reasons why you definitely need an event planner.

Most event planners are well networked with vendors, venue managers, speakers and other personnel required to make your event a success. You need to realize that hiring an event planner gives you tested and cost-effective vendors (courtesy the event planner’s network) that will deliver.

Choosing to plan your event at first might seem easy; you have this “how hard can it be” attitude, selecting the venue, hiring vendors, choosing the cloth, etc. But you find out as the event draws closer, little details start popping up in places you least expect, and as these come up, your stress level starts to multiply. Before you know it, you are overwhelmed. An event planner with his/her experience has a pretty good idea how this works down to the little details that pop up; better yet, you have less to worry about and more time to do other things and actually ENJOY your event.

Having planned different events over time, an event planner knows the value of a particular item or element of the event and can out rightly let you know if the cost of something is overpriced. Furthermore, with the event planner knowing your budget limit for this and that, he can draw on his experience to give you suitable options and alternatives if need be. You can rest assured that whatever you spend, what absolutely necessary, and worth it.

An event planner’s attention to detail, experience, and comprehensive logistics awareness is all it takes to prevent you from making costly mistakes that could jeopardize your event. The risk of something going wrong at your event is too high to not pay attention because as with anything else if something can go wrong, it will!

Hiring an event planner for your events is like having a laptop on google.com on your desk when writing some difficult exams. The experience and knowledge base of an event planner is invaluable when planning events.

When dealing with vendors and suppliers for whatever events you are putting together, the benefits of having a skillful negotiator on your side is your joker card. How many times do you negotiate the cost of speakers, event furniture, and Audio-visuals? You might think you got a good deal, but an event planner is up to date with industry practices and trends and can ultimately use his experience to ask for a better deal that will be of benefit to you.

Do you know you can actually organize an event without bothering yourself about a single detail? Yes, it’s your event and Yes you paid big bucks for it, but at the same time, you can still be treated like those honorable guests you invited who do not worry about event logistics or any such details and yet are treated like royalty and get to taste every single delicacy on offer. Event planners taking on your event stress and headaches will leave you feeling like royalty, furthermore, their organizational skills ensure that your event timeline is strictly followed so you can ease up on the sweating, fussing, and losing your voice screaming at vendors at your event. Indulge yourself, trust the experts.

With an event planner on your event, you can be sure that whatever suggestions and or recommendations he/she makes are industry best practices that have been tested and proven to deliver successful events.
Whether you like it or not, people will talk about your event afterward. Be it a wedding, concert, award, dinner, etc. people will talk and there is absolutely nothing you can do about that. Since they cannot be stopped, the most you can do is give them positive takeaways from your event to talk about. Giving your event that professional, almost clockwork touch will see your event being the talk of the town and what every other event wants to emulate.
There’s nothing stopping you or your organization from running its own events, of course. Some people do tend to have a knack for it, while others might not necessarily have the budget to hire a third party. At the same time, it’s still worth asking yourself whether or not you strictly need to do things on your own. Hiring a planner instead of shouldering the burden yourself can—aside from preventing a few extra gray hairs—save you time and money; both of which can be spent on making things bigger, better, and more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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